Spring is in the air, or is it six more weeks of winter?
Last Sunday something amazing happened. I opened my eyes, climbed out of bed and saw the sun! I realize there are a lot of people out there who don’t see anything exciting in that big hot yellow ball, but after rain, rain, and more rain, it’s nice to go outside and feel warmth, not water, on your face.
I thought we were on the way to setting another record for the longest number of continuous days of precipitation, but it turns out we aren't anywhere close. That record was set in January 2006. Back then, it rained 29 out of 31 days. Yikes! As you can see from the graph below, we aren't there yet!

So in keeping with blue sky, the freedom of having a weekend off, and of course, 52 Over 50—Writing the year, I get off the couch and head out into the not so wild blue yonder.
This year I’ve resolved to hiking more, sitting less. It’s time to explore some of the amazing hikes to be found not too far from home. This time though, we opt for close and familiar. We head out for a walk on the Matsqui Trail. It’s part of the Trans-Canada Trail system and it’s an all-purpose thoroughfare shared by pedestrians, bikes, and horses.
Maybe the fact that it 's BC’s Family Day, gets people up and out, shaking off the winter’s cobwebs. Whatever magic the touch of sun works, the birds are singing, the bulbs poking through the dirt, and buds sprouting on the trees. Spring is just around the corner.
But wait. In my excitement, I forgot about Groundhog Day. It’ll be okay, I tell myself. I mean Candlemas, AKA Groundhog Day, was February 2nd. That's almost two whole weeks ago. I can’t help it. I check to see what Punxsutawney Phil and his buddies, predicted.
Drat. It seems that the American groundhog spotted his shadow. Canada’s own Shubenacadie Sam disagreed. He saw nothing and predicts an early spring . . . but Sam bit a journalist during a break for freedom. How will that impact Sam’s prediction? Is there some Karmic correction waiting in the wings?
No. I'm going with Sam. Spring is in the air. The weekend weather is perfect. We BBQ our steaks on the grill—alright, it's a little chilly. I wear my winter jacket, but still firmly insist spring is here. It’s all about positive thinking.
Valentine’s Day arrives bringing a fresh blanket of snow to cover the fresh green shoots sprouting from the bulbs. I guess it’s not quite time to put away the snowshoes. The bikes will have to spend some more time in the shed . . . with the skunk.

I refuse to let go of my power of positive thinking. It’s the approach I’m taking with my Kindle Scout campaign. Positive thinking and a whole lot of social media.
Today my book, A Trail of Embers made it onto the Hot and Trending list. I’m doing a happy dance.
Check out A Trail of Embers at:
Nominate and share it if you like it. Snoop around the Kindle Scout Site. You get three nominations, but can only vote for a book once. Go ahead and use up your votes.
For more on A Trail of Embers go to Readper:
and ProofPositive:

Happy Early Spring, love where you live!