Super Bowl LII—Super snack Sunday
Here it is, another Super Bowl Sunday, complete with hype, hoopla and a half-time show . . . and commercials—don’t forget the mega-commercials. Every year big corporations use Super Bowl Sunday to launch big ad campaigns.
Super Bowl is as much a battle over brand recognition as it is over the pigskin. Through the years there have been some truly epic commercials. What will this year bring? Doritos, Pepsi, Budweiser, Amazon—big names, big budgets. NBC receives 5 million dollars for 30 seconds of air time.
I confess, I don’t really watch the game. I wander in and out, take in the half-time show and watch the ads. I'm here for the food . Super Bowl is Appie heaven. It’s a day you can nibble your way through the afternoon and not worry about cooking supper. Who would turn that down?
This year, Justin Timberlake is headlining the half-time show—without Janet Jackson.
There’s drama in the Twittersphere— #JusticeForJanet. Fans are calling for Janet Jackson to be invited back to perform along side Timberlake—they say, let her redeem herself after the infamous 2004 wardrobe malfunction.
As always, with Super Bowl Sunday comes the predictions. A quick scan of the odds proves to me that someone is going to win today’s game.
Jim Kenny, Mayor of Philadelphia says he won't jinx the Eagle's chances by putting a team jersey on the statue of city founder, William Penn. Legend has it that the city’s sports teams were cursed after a 1980’s builder constructed One Liberty Plaza 400 feet higher than the statue. The move violated a gentleman’s agreement that no building would reach higher than William Penn.

As for the Patriots, their superstitions run more towards clothing options. They’re expected to don their white jerseys. Over the last thirteen years, twelve of the thirteen wins have gone to the team wearing white. Will that karma be enough to ensure New England does a victory happy dance?
But back to the food. You can see what my priorities are. Are you looking for an exotic game time snack?
I did a bit of research (yes, I did) and found Chef Jen with her list of the Most Disgusting Super Bowl Foods ever.
You’ve got to love the Bologna Cake. Imagine it decorated in white for the Patriots, or green for the Eagles.

Pinterest has Super Bowl covered with all sorts of ideas to ensure your presentation is as good as your snacks:
Set up for your game by featuring cheese, meat, and cracker trays arranged like footballs, with mozzarella strips representing the laces on the ball
Have a mini tailgate party with a Stadium snack tray—perfect for fans who prefer variety
Go for the blitz and build a Super Bowl dip platter
Ready for a touch down? Try this edible football dessert
Dips are always a hit. Looking for a sweet treat to keep your energy up for all that cheering, yelling, or cursing?You can always try this Chocolate Chip Cookie dip.
Fans take tailgate parties seriously. A lot of effort goes into planning Super Bowl menus.
As for me? I think I’ll stick to the basics:
Chicken wings
Veggie tray
Short ribs
Chips and dip
Tomorrow I diet.